Free HOV (high-occupancy vehicle) travel is available for drivers who plan on using the I-77 Express Lanes after setting their HOV status with three or more people in the car. If a driver travels in the express lanes without setting HOV status, they will receive an invoice in the mail with the posted toll rate or pay the toll with their prepaid account.

Ways to set HOV status

There are two ways drivers can set HOV status before traveling in the I-77 Express Lanes: 

Transponder Options - flex transponder

NC Quick Pass Flex

  • $14.50
  • Works in 19 states
  • Set HOV status immediately
  • Need to have three of more people in the car
Setting HOV status
  • Slide the transponder’s switch all the way to the right to display “HOV ON” before entering the express lanes.
  • The transponder will beep once to confirm the status is set.
Three phone showing NC Quick Pass app screens on the right.

NC Quick Pass App

Setting HOV status 

Compatible out-of-state transponders


Motorcycles automatically qualify for free travel in the I-77 Express Lanes; a transponder is not required. 

Hybrid and electric vehicles 

Hybrid or electric vehicles do not qualify for free travel in the I-77 Express Lanes unless there are three or more people in the vehicle and the account holder has set their HOV status on the transponder or with the app. 

Extended vehicles

Extended vehicles do not qualify for free travel in the I-77 Express Lanes. Two-axle vehicles, with or without a one-axle trailer, and greater than 22 feet in length are considered extended vehicles. 

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